Embed multiple forms on one page


I tried to embed multiple forms on one page. Doesn't work. See Here.

It was going to be in a tabbed donation options layout which would have made for a very fast and intuitive donation expereience. We want to make it easy.


Please make it posable for multiple forms to be embedid on one page on website.


This "may" be a direction to go for fixing the issue.

Every form has a unique identifier that is referenced in the embed code script. It tells the the script what form to put into the div with the id="bbox-root". I looks to me like it can't embed mulitple forms becuase they would all reference the same containter - div id="bbox-root".

My sugestion is to have each from aslo generate a unique container ID



and so on, each time a new form is made.

There may be more to the actual solution that that but this would be VERY helpful. Meaning more money to help peoples health in our community.

Thank you!

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  • May 17 2023
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    Samantha McGuin commented
    May 26, 2023 16:17

    Based on the code you pasted it looks like you're actually talking about the Online Express donation form, not the RENXT donation form. I'm going to move this idea over to the Online Express Idea Bank.

    Also, I did want to note to you that the RENXT donation form (available from RENXT -->Tools-->Donation forms does allow multiple forms to be embedded on the same page if you're looking for other options.

    Samantha McGuin
    Principal Product Manager

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