Online Express (OLX) Access from NXT

I learned yesterday that our Marketing team is considering opening a new account with Constant Contact because our new staff member on that team knows how to use it and has heard (from the staff member with absolutely no experience whatsoever, who is in charge of assembling and sending most of our online communications) that OLX is difficult to use and to access (it's the only reason she currently has to log on to RE:7).

We also have a couple of program staff who want the ability to email their lists, so the thinking is that we'd use CC for those emails and OLX only for Development emails.  I know what will happen...folks will put addresses into CC and not send them in for entry in RE, which means they won't get our newsletters and then either the newsletters will also go via CC or I'll have to go back to reconciling data in CC & RE.

I would much rather get those Marketing and program staff set up on NXT, to use OLX from there.  Of course, it would also be extremely helpful to have more options in Security so they can access their OLX Lists and some of the Tiles on those Records, but not have access to the entire RE database.  =)

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  • Oct 13 2016
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  • Grace Whitmore commented
    24 Nov 08:53

    It sounds like a potential shift to Constant Contact might create inefficiencies and data fragmentation. Streamlining access to OLX through NXT and implementing people playground tailored security settings could better address staff needs while maintaining data integrity in RE.

  • Oliver Roberson commented
    April 18, 2022 12:22

    I learned yesterday that our Marketing team is considering opening a new account with Constant Contact because our new staff member on that team knows how to use it and has heard (from the staff member with absolutely no experience whatsoever, who is in charge of assembling and sending most of our online communications) that OLX is difficult to use and to access (it's the only reason she currently has to log on to super mario bros).

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