Please add optional fields like zip code to OLX email signup form.

This would allow us to direct certain campaigns to specific geographic areas.

  • Guest
  • Dec 19 2019
  • Attach files
  • Ruth Pereira commented
    28 Sep, 2020 06:13pm

    class off, spouse FN And LN would be very helpful as well

  • Devan Caton commented
    28 Sep, 2020 01:47pm

    We add our regional representatives' info to newsletters in case clients wish to reach out, including their picture. Our reps' regions are determined by ZIP code. For new online signups, we're unable to add that to the newsletters and have to include general contact information. Based on open, click, and opt-out rates, the versions of the newsletters that include a specific representative are much more successful than the generalized one. Therefore, we would like to be able to add ZIP code to the signup form.

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