I would suggest to get the programming/coding team involved from Online Express and RE integration. If they built in hard coded rules for how a donor fills in their records/information then we won’t have this issue. For example if someone chooses Canada then the postal Code then format should by default be A3A X3X—as that is the format for Canadian Zip codes. Also for phone numbers it could be in the format 905-905-9056, then again it will limit folks to stay consistent. For names First Letter to be by default as capital letter, then rest lower case. Only formatting which cannot be done will be the address line. But at least the rest can get restricted and will help a lot for us users. Being a programmer myself that too in Oracle in my former life, I am quite aware that this a possible. Reason there still lacks a solution to this problem is because your team of programmers need to figure this out in a better manner.

Unless limit criteria s are set, problem will not be resolved for duplicate ID's

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  • Nov 18 2019
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