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We regularly send out invitations to constituents who register guests who have their own constituent records. It would be great to have the option during the registration download process to link not only the primary registrant to a constituent record, but also any guests who have their own constituent records, so we could keep a clear record of events attendance for all of our constituents directly on their constituent record. (Our school has separate constituent records for each parent and also one for students, so we frequently have the need to mark multiple guests within one registration as constituents who have attended.)
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Work together in terms of sensible engineering
I completely agree with this!
Also, when sending out reminders to consitutents, we need to remove those who have registered to attend the event.
The quickest way to do this is to create a constituent list from the event and exclude the registered participant list from the original invite list so those who have registered do not receive a reminder.
Work together in terms of sensible engineering