Add Comment field to merge fields in Thank You tab or modify Transaction Details merge field to include comments

We use the Comment field in the Fine Tuning tab and I would think that since this field is available to fill in that the Transaction Details merge field in the Thank You Tab would include it but does not. Would appreciate the comment field to be added as part of Transaction Details field in the future or as a separate merge field to include in the Thank You tab. We are using the comment field for our donors to designate who they are sponsoring and we want that to show in their email receipt.

  • Guest
  • Apr 3 2019
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  • Julie Duran commented
    07 May 21:13

    I agree. I'm surprised that the "comment" field can be emailed to us internally as a "copy of the receipt" but the "comment" field is not included in the donor automated receipt. It takes up a lot of our donors time to email us after they received their receipt to remind us of the "comment" they included. Would love to see this option fixed asap. Seems like an easy fix no? Thanks! :-)

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  • Justin Barrett commented
    April 08, 2020 15:11

    We use this all the time as well. It would be incredibly beneficial to our donors. And really inhibits our ability to utilize online giving to its full potential.

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