OLX online pledge form: allow customization of number of months for pledge payments

The OLX online pledge form allows donors to select any number of months in which to pay a pledge. However, at our organization, donor pledge payments for the current fiscal year must be received during the current calendar year.

Because the set-up on the "number of months to pay" option on the OLX form doesn't allow for our organization to specify the number of months they have left in the year to pay, when a donor makes an online pledge (and wants to make monthly pledge payments via credit card or direct debit), they select a number of months that, after January, typically exceeds the number of months they have to pay.

For example, Don Donor pledges $1,200 in early January, which means he can choose to make 12 monthly payments of $100 through December. When Phil Philanthropist makes his $1,200 pledge in late June (after we've processed our monthly credit and debit payments for the month), he can still select 12 months or more in which to make monthly pledge payments. When that pledge comes through, our [very small and time-constricted] staff have to contact the donor and explain the further limitations of the system, and oftentimes have to process one-off gifts for those who think they are paying monthly and will have a $0 balance once Dec 31 comes around (they won't). They see from periodic statements that show that they are "behind" on their pledge payments and are forced to make larger lump-sum payments in the scramble of year-end giving.

If database administrators had the option of manually adjusting the form to show that the number of months [left] in which to pay one's pledge equals (or is lower than) the number of monthly processing days left in the year, that would eliminate a lot of hassle for donor and [limited] staff at the same time.

  • Guest
  • Jan 30 2019
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  • Guest commented
    July 19, 2022 12:16

    PLEASE allow database administrators the option to manually change the number of months remaining on the donation form. Our annual campaign begins with 10 months. This would eliminate a lot of hassle for our donors and limited staff. Here's a recent complaint from one of our donors, "It was a bit confusing showing the 6 months yet being able to select a longer period and the form computing that choice correctly.."

  • Meredith Friedman commented
    July 14, 2021 13:38

    Yes Yes 100 times yes. This is a disaster for us right now. We have a large number of school families who pay in installments and those payments must be completed in the current fiscal year. Right now, we can "sort of" limit it using the Pledge Payment minimum amount field, but then you'd have to update them every month to keep it accurate. AND the Smart Thing Donor Cover Plugin interferes with the limit because you have to check "Other Pledge Amounts" with a minimum for it to work and that minimum overwrites the minimum set for each pledge amount.

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