Optout's for Relationship Records

If a person with a constituent record opts out, the consent field is marked as such. However, If the person is only in RE as a relationship to an org, the org doesn't get the consent flag, and neither do they, on their relationship record (there isn't a consent field on a relationship record). So a review of the unusable emails needs to be reviewed for these folks. This also means that if this non-constituent reads the email weeks later, and then opt's out, we wouldn't notice unless we review the unusable emails. So, the best practice is to look at the unusable emails, and anyone crossed out is a non-constituent record and must be flagged someway as such on their relationship to the org. Also, when reviewing the Excel file exported of unusable emails, it should contain a column which shows the const id so that we can quickly find those non-constituents.  I believe that this should be addressed and a solution is created – either by training all OEX users or by adding a consent flag on the non-constituent record.

  • Guest
  • Oct 26 2018
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