Please submit all product enhancement ideas below. We welcome your feedback; your ideas will be reviewed by the Product Manager that oversees the development of that part of the product on an ongoing basis and updated with its current status monthly based on our product planning process. Ideas you submit could help us shape features currently in development or grow our repository of requirements for our next big enhancement. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and expertise with us.
If you believe you are experiencing a defect or have general information that you wish to publish, please submit those within the Online Express Community or contact Support.
Currently, if a person registers for an event online, they enter a billing address and can enter a different name/address for the registrant's information. If the registrant is already a constituent, their participant info in Raiser's Edge defaults to the address already in their file. Additionally, if the person is not a constituent and the billing name and registrant name is the same, their new record uses the billing address they entered.
Please allow the address they entered on the form to show up either in the Thank you email (within "Registration Details") or directly into Raiser's Edge. We need to be able to access all of the information our registrants provide to us in order to help maintain positive event experiences and donor relations.
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Here is a link with more detail to this problem:
This needs to be fixed!