Allow an imported list for email in Online Express

This came up today because a user had a list of participants pulled using a participant query, but couldn't pull it into Online Express because it has to be a Constituent or Individual Query. So rather than exporting the ID from the participant query and copying the ID's into a constituent query, we could just import the list we already have. Also great for one off email blasts to folks you don't want to add to your database unless you get a response.

  • Kathleen Eastman
  • Mar 15 2018
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
  • Attach files
  • Laura Furtado commented
    29 Jul, 2021 03:04pm

    I would also love to see this functionality as we are struggling to find an email platform that allows us to do it all. We need the functionality to import lists of emails for one off emails that we don't want to add to our database.

  • Jimm Frost commented
    24 Jun, 2021 10:42am

    Thats really nice information

  • Guest commented
    24 Jun, 2020 03:54pm

    I would like to be able to use a excell or csv file for email blast for I can't drill down as well in a query as I can when I customize list in excel

  • Kathi Palitz commented
    25 Feb, 2020 08:09am

    I have followed this idea for a while- we used to be able to pull an imported list into netcommunity for an email blast, but are not using netcommunity any longer and have therefore lost this functionality. I still would love the option, to blast participants for events mostly, however it is worth noting that at least in the UK, due to PECR, we shouldn't email anyone who hasn't told us they would be happy to receive email, and hence, all email recipients should have a constituent record where we keep the consent, as well as a record of the emails that they have received, their response and if applicable their choice to opt out. 

  • Charlie Goldberg commented
    25 Feb, 2020 12:27am

    This is extremely important as we try and reach people with partner groups but have little other information to create a full RE file. Would be a very valuable addition.

  • Guest commented
    9 Jan, 2019 09:50pm

    I also hate that you cannot use participant or event queries for OLX.

  • Sunshine Watson commented
    16 Aug, 2018 03:36pm

    This is something that I believe many organizations struggle with. It is such a hassle to go to another email platform like Mailchimp to mail to outside prospect lists that are not appropriate to add to the donor database. It often requires Marketing to create the same email on both platforms or forgo using Online Express altogether because of this issue.

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