The ability to accept and reject donations with bulk processing

This would be useful as when bulk processing donations if you reject and changes but accept others, all the changes are still accepted. Instead of processing one by one it would be faster to reject or accept on a line by line basis.

  • Guest
  • Dec 27 2017
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    March 12, 2018 16:29

    This is a ridiculous bug on an equally ridiculous "add on" software. We have stopped using Online Express for recurring donations (since it does not automatically process recurring donations). We hardly use it for regular donations because of the limits on the forms and now we are finding out it's not really good at event registration downloads either! I have never used a system that is as backwards as this. There is much better software out there for online forms, email marketing and event registrations.

  • Christy Kaufman commented
    January 09, 2018 14:31

    No one told me this would happen, now 300 donations later I am just learning that all the time I spent accepting and rejecting was lost because I bulk processed. Why would anyone want to manually download 100 donations? Please fix this asap, it doesn't even make sense that the bulk button rejects all info, what is the purpose of that????

  • Robert Furlong commented
    January 03, 2018 01:11

    I have to be honest, I have no idea why I bug like this would even be shipped in the first place, let alone still an issue. For an organization that gets lets say 100 transactions in a day to have to process each one INDIVIDUALLY to ensure the right info gets into the database is very unacceptable. Please fix this ASAP. 

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