Do not require guest names!

Please create a way in OLX for people who are registering for an event to add  "Guest of" or "Add guests later" - right now I have 10 Jane Doe records b/c Jane bought 10 tickets but didn't have all of her guests confirmed.  This creates a nightmare for record keeping and causes a ton of staff time to be spent on follow-up to registrants to determine their guest names. If we have teh option of selecting "Guest of" we could collect info at teh event or in advance more easily. 

  • Rachel Shields
  • Nov 14 2017
  • Attach files
  • Julie Horvath commented
    21 Aug, 2023 05:48pm

    There should be a general option to "do not create a record automatically when anyone registers", not just guests.

  • Guest commented
    9 Jan, 2019 10:49pm

    Yes!  And do not require them to fill out all of that information for each guest!  It makes for such messy and confusing forms.

  • Dianne Elliott commented
    17 Apr, 2018 07:29am

    Can the anonymous button be amended to make the main event attendee complete their details and then add guests only if they have that additional information.

  • Guest commented
    16 Nov, 2017 02:46pm

    I completely agree.  At least a button that allows us to turn on or off names.  It requires at least one mandatory field and a lot of our constituents have complained as to how difficult and confusing these forms are. That makes us look really bad. We have a football event where the donations are to sponsor the football team.  If they choose 4 sponsors they have to put names which we do not want to give them a choice of students just to sponsor them.  It's really frustrating to get all these negative emails about our forms.

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