Additional Bio Fields on Donation Forms

Middle Name and Suffix are really important data points for wealth screening and account deduplucation, but we can't add them to our donation forms.  Being able to collect this information from our online donors would be great!

  • Rachel Bailey
  • Jul 18 2017
  • Attach files
  • Anonymous commented
    July 10, 2023 14:42

    This is extremely important for us. Our donors are now using the FirstName Field to populate the First Name and initial. To OLX this looks like the First Name, to the Donor it represents the First Name and Middle initial (example: Anderson P).

    These causes unnecessary headaches as well as duplicate records. We have over a hundred thousand donors to handle. It is common sense to have handled this right of the bat at the "Forms Design" stage and it should certainly have been flagged at the testing stage. People like using the three names, the middle name often represented as the initial. Most financial records are set for this hence their credit cards or Bank account Names. Even for simple mailing purposes where people may share First and Last Names, the Middle initial is really what separates their accounts. Our Donors are having a hard time entering this information such that they resort to the above scheme which in turn messes up our Database.

    Please we are asking for only one field to be included in the already defined field set.

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