Constituent Gives Anonymously on Bio1/Org1 Tab does not auto-apply to OLX donations

Learned today that if constituents have the Bio1/Org1 "Gifts Anonymously" box checked, that it does not automatically make an Online Express contribution an anonymous gift in batch. Only if the donor marks the 'anonymous' option on the OLX form (assuming you have that active) will it populate automatically.  This is contrary to how RE handles gifts added in batch or manually, where the 'gift is anonymous' box gets checked because of the Bio1/Org1 box being checked.  It would make sense to have things consistent - and if the box is checked on Bio1/Org1 - all gifts will be anonymous automatically regardless of if the donor selects the option in the OLX form.

  • Matt Haynes
  • Jun 15 2017
  • Attach files

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