Organization event registration and attendee

Dinner Event registration. Ticket purchased by the ACB company. 1 person is attending. During the transaction processing in Online Express. I am presented with "Constituent Linking Window" and "Organization Linking Window". I have linked the organization as this is the record paying for the ticket. There is no constituent to link, there is only an attendee, however I cannot process the transaction as Online Express is requiring a constituent to be linked as well. How do I process this record?


Contacted Supports. Their "Work Around" is to Constituent link to a contact of the organization. However by link to a contact would this not credit the gift to the contact, there by falsifying who actually made the gift and receipting the wrong person. Which is against the tax laws.


So currently there is no correct way to link the organization during the transaction processing phase as the record paying for the ticket and add an attendee.




This is taken for the "Canada Revenue Agency" website

Consequences of improper receipting

What are the consequences for charities that issue receipts with incorrect or false information?

A registered charity that issues an official donation receipt that includes incorrect or incomplete information is liable to a penalty equal to 5% of the eligible amount stated on the receipt. This penalty increases to 10% for a repeat offence within five years.

A registered charity that issues an official donation receipt that includes deliberately false information is liable to a penalty equal to 125% of the eligible amount stated on the receipt.

  • If the charity is liable for penalties in excess of $25,000 for issuing false receipts, that charity is also liable to one year's suspension of its charitable status.

A registered charity that contravenes or continues to contravene the receipting requirements of the Income Tax Act could also have its registration revoked.

Here is the link to their page.


It would be nice if this was address ASAP.

  • Guest
  • Mar 21 2017
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  • Heidi Tulipana commented
    April 18, 2018 15:09

    I still haven't found a way to link an organization or corporate sponsor to an event. I was told by Customer Support that this was not an option but here is someone suggesting a way to make it better. How can I allow an organization to pay for a sponsorship? The only registrants we can currently add to an event through online express is an individual. Is this only an option for a Canadian platform? 

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