Add new merge fields

Please add more merge fields in the response/thank you for registering emails.

  • Guest
  • Dec 22 2016
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
  • Attach files
  • Amber Smith commented
    2 Mar, 2021 04:46pm

    Need to be able to merge in gift amounts as well! This would be so helpful.

  • Tammy Batchelor commented
    30 Sep, 2020 05:26pm

    Need the ability to merge a fund to personalize an email to donor

  • Amber Aragon commented
    25 Sep, 2019 08:16pm

    Please add merge fields in the thank you page and emails.

  • Guest commented
    21 Aug, 2019 07:23pm

    Agreed! Having the FVM (Fair Market Value) merge field available for events would eliminate a receipting duplication.

  • Rosie Kirton commented
    11 Jul, 2019 03:58pm

    Still waiting to be able to merge constituent id number. This is very frustrating!!! How many votes does it take to get the job done?

  • Guest commented
    25 Oct, 2018 04:55pm

    I would like a merge field for frequency of the gift for recurring gifts, i.e. monthly, annually or quarterly. If possible I would like a total gift amount field based on fiscal year but that is probably much harder to create.

  • Rosie Kirton commented
    9 Apr, 2018 01:38pm

    Please add more merge fields similar to merging a letter in quick letters. I especially need the ID number to be a merge field.

  • Guest commented
    17 Oct, 2017 02:56pm

    yes, please add more merge fields in all forms

  • Lorna McGinnis commented
    9 Aug, 2017 09:27pm

    The event registration form should be more customizable. Specifically, we have an event acknowledgement email that goes to the registrant who elects to defer paying online that says both “Amount paid: $XX.XX” and “Bill me later.” This is confusing at best, and ripe for misunderstanding between our organization and our constituents. There should be an option that says “Amount owed: $XX.XX” with “Bill me later,” or at the very least “Total amount:$XX.XX” which sort of works for both paying online when registering and paying later.

  • Guest commented
    9 Aug, 2017 09:22pm

    The registration template form is not nearly as customizable as it should be. Specifically, we have an event acknowledgement email that goes to the registrant who elects to defer paying online that says both “Amount paid: $XX.XX” and “Bill me later.” This is confusing at best, and ripe for misunderstanding between our organization and our constituents. There should be an option that says “Amount owed: $XX.XX” with “Bill me later,” or at the very least “Total amount:$XX.XX” which sort of works for both paying online when registering and paying later.

  • Laurie Arnone commented
    9 Aug, 2017 09:22pm

    On thank you page when event registrant elects to defer payment, he currently gets an email that says both "Amount paid:#XX.XX" and "Bill me later". This is ripe for constituent displeasure/confusion. There should either be an option that says "Amount Owed:$XX.XX" or "Total Amount: $XX.XX" to go along with "Bill me later.

  • Peta Thompson commented
    24 Apr, 2017 03:27pm

    Agree - need merge fields to acknowledge Gift Aid declarations

  • Guest commented
    2 Mar, 2017 04:50pm

    This needs to happen OLX wide.

  • Guest commented
    6 Feb, 2017 07:57pm

    Would particularly like to add gift aid declaration on thank you page and emails.

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