Add Electronic signature or image into Thank You email

  • Guest
  • Nov 29 2016
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    18 Jan 12:27pm


  • Sedrick D commented
    28 Sep, 2022 02:41am

    Thanks for putting up this idea - please can this feature be added to the thank you emails in OLX? It is handy when logos or images need updating.

  • Vanessa Wong commented
    28 Sep, 2022 01:33am

    Please add this. We already have our logo in here and we need to update the image.

  • Billie Jollie commented
    28 Jul, 2022 07:43am

    This website has given me useful information about phoodle my favorite subject. I had a great time reading your posts. Thank you!!!!

  • Jo Auterson commented
    9 Apr, 2021 08:47am

    Any progress with this yet? We're making a decision about using OLX or not - and this problem is seriously putting us off.

  • Jessica Thrift commented
    13 Mar, 2021 01:38am

    It is wild that this isn't a shipped option yet.

  • Roxanne Werbicki commented
    22 Sep, 2020 07:39pm

    This is so important. We are not forgetting. Please enable us to add an image in the the "Thank Yous" area of Online Express so we can look more professional when donors get the thank you letter sent to them by email after making their online donation! Thank you! Roxanne

  • Guest commented
    14 Jul, 2020 08:55pm

    THIS IS SUPER IMPORTANT! Copying and pasting an image doesn't always work, and it is so frustrating when we create new content for campaigns and the only way to add an image into the thank-you email for that campaign is to have that image live online somewhere. This feature is ridiculously outdated.

  • Guest commented
    14 Aug, 2019 05:29am

    Please change online express so we can add a logo or signature.  It makes it easier if the donor receives one email which is the thank you note and the receipt, with no need to click on a link. thanks

  • Alec Cumming commented
    22 Feb, 2019 04:33pm

    This seems like it is long overdue. It's strange to me that the design options available in OLX Email Marketing aren't available here too. This makes OLX feel very, very outdated. 

  • Darrem M commented
    18 May, 2018 02:24pm

    Why hasnt this happened yet? this conversation is over a year old????? I understand there a "work around" to cut and paste an image from the internet into your confirmation email. It is now 2018, its an email, you should be able to put am image into it without a "work around". Lets stop kicking this can down the road. Everyone here wants the first contact after a donation is made to look great, not like an email from 1996. Please fix this.

  • Guest commented
    9 Jan, 2018 05:38pm

    This would be great if you could include a logo or identifying image of the organization. These things would not typically reside on the web

  • Guest commented
    27 Jan, 2017 07:17pm

    Could we please have the ability to add photo or video or anything to the thank yous and confirmation pages to make them compelling?

  • Guest commented
    4 Jan, 2017 09:22pm

    This works for us, as long as the image lives somewhere online.

  • Patricia Ayerdis commented
    23 Dec, 2016 05:55pm

    I confirm that. It is working for me

    Get Outlook for iOS

  • Michele Stender commented
    23 Dec, 2016 05:41pm

    If the image (or signature) lives somewhere on the web you should be able to Ctrl + C and then Ctrl + V in the thank you confirmation email.

  • William Tolentino commented
    22 Dec, 2016 09:45pm

    Nope, I just tried and nothing...

  • Patricia Ayerdis commented
    8 Dec, 2016 08:48pm

    I heard some people mentioning that you only need to copy the image from the browser. Maybe someone can confirm.

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