Please submit all product enhancement ideas below. We welcome your feedback; your ideas will be reviewed by the Product Manager that oversees the development of that part of the product on an ongoing basis and updated with its current status monthly based on our product planning process. Ideas you submit could help us shape features currently in development or grow our repository of requirements for our next big enhancement. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and expertise with us.
If you believe you are experiencing a defect or have general information that you wish to publish, please submit those within the Online Express Community or contact Support.
Hi, I just solved something that has been giving my team headaches for a long time! How to deactivate and delete lists on OLX? For the longest time we thought we just couldn't deactivate or delete lists because nothing happened when you clicked on the "deactivate" or confirm deletion" links/buttons. But I finally got to the bottom of it and realized that you have to LEAVE OLX and go back in for the deactivations and deletions to take effect. All this time we thought clicking was doing nothing.
Blackbaud - please fix this! I am sure others are having a hard time with this too if my whole team has. I just started here 3.5 months ago and decided to get to the bottom of it. There is nothing that confirms deletes/deactivations or lets the user know that they action was successful. I think you could make that an easy fix with your web developers.
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