Make thermometer on OLX forms adjustable

On some OLX donation forms, we use the thermometer feature. If a donor makes an error on their donation to the form though and needs a partial refund, there is no way to correct the thermometer. Either add a feature to add an adjustment to the gift that will be reflected on the thermometer or allow the 'offline donations' manual field to accept a negative $ amount so that we could use that as a work around to correct the current fundraising total on the thermometer.

  • Patty Driscoll
  • Jan 4 2021
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    June 30, 2022 03:04

    this tool is convenient for us to use to check for errors.

    words from letters

  • Guest commented
    January 09, 2021 10:41

    The system should offer e-cards for such vidmate notifications rather than just logging the hard mail address.

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